The Department of Physics was established in 2006, the year of inception of the Institute. The Department started with two young faculty members under the guidance of a retired Professor of Physics from a reputed Government Engineering College of the state. Since its inception, the Department has been providing the Engineering Physics courses to all branches running B.Tech. programme. The Department has a well equipped Laboratory for B.Tech. & B.Sc. Physics courses. Excellence in teaching has been the hallmark of the Department ever since its inception. Members of the Department actively participate in organizing National Science Day at the Institute every year and a host of other extra-curricular activities. Talks are organised from time to time where eminent Physicists are invited to deliver lectures on important topics in order to keep the students abreast of current developments. The Department boasts of a well stocked Library of books for B.Tech. Physics and undergraduate Physics courses. The Department started B.Sc. Physics (Honours) course from the session 2020-2021 under Assam Science and Technology University. The new course curriculum of B.Sc. Physics programme under NEP 2020 will commence from this academic session 2023 where a student can opt for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary courses. The 2 years postgraduate programme in Physics is going to start from this academic session.
We shall enable our students to understand and appreciate the laws and principles of Physics that govern the universe. Our students shall extend this understanding to the society for creation of rational and scientific spirit amongst the people.
Welcome to the Department of Physics at Girijananda Chowdhury University (GCU), Assam. We started our journey in the year 2006 with teaching in B.E program, GIMT which was affiliated to Gauhati University. From 2013, the B.Tech programs were affiliated to ASTU. With time, the department is continuously growing in order to excel in the fields of teaching and research with the addition of BSc program in 2020 and newly opened M.Sc and PhD courses under GCU. We have grown our expertise and competence in Physics and research with our courses being upgraded and formulated in-line with NEP 2020. We are thankful to all members present from time to time, whose devotion and dedication is also responsible to reach today’s status. The department is achieving its milestones at various stages of its growth with the help of dedicated faculty members, along with the guidance of all the previous department heads, Prof. P. C. Barua, Dr Lipi Goswami and Dr Ajanta Deka.
The department is focused on creating favorable environment for the students, staff and faculty members to give their best to society and the environment. Best wishes.
The department of Physics comes under the School of Natural Sciences of Girijananda Chowdhury University and offers B.Sc. programme in Physics as per FYUP, NEP-2020. Under this program, a student can gather knowledge in Physics with multidisciplinary approach. The program also facilitates a student to choose elective courses from various options, viz theoretical to experimental domains according to their interest.
At present the Department has three faculty members, all of them being Ph.D. degree holders and a Lab Instructor, an M.Sc. in Electronics. All of them are well experienced with long teaching experience. The areas of research of the faculty members are Nanomaterials (theoretical and experimental).The Department has been credited with two sponsored research projects funded by AICTE (under RPS scheme) and MHRD (under TEQIP III programme), respectively, both projects having the Dr. Ajanta Deka as Principal Investigator. Funds allotted in these projects have been utilised to create Computational facilities with a Zeon Workstation and Molecular Modelling software for carrying out research work in the field of Material Science.