
School of Engineering and Technology


The School of Engineering and Technology at Girijananda Chowdhury University believes in exposing the young students to the real world enabling them to learn through critical thinking, creative problem solving, encountering with differences and enabling them to find relevance through the multiple perspectives of the world and life. The School of Engineering and Technology is committed to creation of knowledge through research across all academic disciplines. In addition to the academic research conducted by students at the undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD levels, our faculty members are involved in high value research and development initiatives.

The Faculties of Girijananda Chowdhury University comprises of experienced, erudite, proficient and dedicated teaching professionals whose relentless pursuit is to create a cohort of accomplished and empowered citizens for the rapidly evolving epoch. By employing versatile and pragmatic pedagogical approaches in line with emerging educational trends, the faculty envisages to provide a highly resourceful and inclusive learning environment to the students of the university. There is also an extensive focus laid on research by the scholarly faculty members of the university, in order to boost critical and creative thinking among the learners across various dimensions of knowledge.

Dean's Message


The School of Engineering and Technology plays a crucial role in the education of emerging engineers and individuals with aspirations, fostering a shared ambition to create a positive impact in the world. The faculty of our school has a decade of experience in engineering education and has garnered a significant reputation as a highly sought-after educational institution among students in the surrounding area throughout the course of its existence. Our school has a comprehensive infrastructure, well-equipped laboratories, an extensive library, and a substantial faculty comprised of highly experienced individuals. As an academic institution, our foremost objective is the continual enhancement of our endeavours. Our primary objective is to inculcate awareness and responsiveness towards the requirements of the community, while concurrently offering valuable contributions to the domains of education, knowledge, and society at large. Our primary objective is to assist students in cultivating the attributes of self-assurance, proficiency, and adaptability that are essential for achieving success in workplace and making meaningful contributions to society.


The School of Engineering and Technology at Girijananda Chowdhury University believes in exposing the young students to the real world enabling them to learn through critical thinking, creative problem solving, encountering with differences and enabling them to find relevance through the multiple perspectives of the world and life.

Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering under the School of Engineering and Technology of Girijananda Chowdhury University (GCU), Assam, from the academic year 2023-24. ...

Computer Application

The department has been established as “Department of Computer Application” under the School of Engineering and Technology of Girijananda Chowdhury University (GCU). ...

Computer Science and Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was started in September 2006 with the programme Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) under ...

Electrical Engineering

The Electrical Engineering department at GCU provides students with a solid foundation in the principles and practices of electrical engineering. ...

Electronics & Communication Engineering

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at GCU ensures that students get to hone their skills for building a ...

Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and broadest branches of engineering that deals with the design, ...

Programs under the School

The School of Engineering and Technology offers a wide scope of higher studies for students and scholars to pursue in purely educational as well professional intent. At every level of the academic demarcation through which we engage in our effort of education, we are committed to delivering an equitable educational experience.

Infrastructure & Facilities

The School of Engineering and Technology is well equipped with every necessary facility and infrastructure for students to gain thorough knowledge and hands-on experience in their field of study. The facilities also extend to attend to their extracurricular interests and general health and well being because we at Girijananda Chowdhury University firmly belief that each individual needs to have access to every resource of what enables them to emerge as better humans.

  • Laboratories

  • Workshop

  • AICTE Idea-Lab

  • Indoor stadium

  • Sports

  • Library

  • Gymnasium