The Department of Botany under the aegis of School of Natural Sciences at Girijananda Chowdhury University, seeks to establish itself as a premier and innovative centre in the north-eastern part of the country for the dissemination of the ever-expanding field of plant biology. We strive to train and equip the future generation of plant biologists with the latest and emerging concepts and cutting-edge technologies while establishing a firm foundation of classical theories and scientific approaches.
With new academic programs integrated with intensive laboratory and field explorations, our students shall develop the capacity to understand and appreciate the intricacies and complexities of plant life and its value and roles in the ecosystems and nature. Our vision is to create a value system in our students for nature that will in turn lead to a cultural milieu that will enhance the societal capacity with resilience for Climate Change and assurance for sustainable development.
The departmental vision and mission entails the HOD(i/c) to ensure quality education through learner centered teaching and research, at par with national and international standards. Effective use of teaching, learning methods, tools and techniques will be made available to promote, motivate and support the aspiring students for attaining their desired goals. In addition to quality in-house faculties, harnessing the expertise of well-known resource persons in the field of apex knowledge domain will be priority for all-round development of the students. Forging alliances with national and international institutions for dissemination of quality knowledge will be at the fore-front of the departmental agenda. In all, the HOD(i/c) remains accountable to provide the students with the best possible learning environment for their overall growth as responsible citizens of the country.
The academics in the Department of Botany include undergraduate and graduate programs, and research programs in disciplines ranging from traditional topics like taxonomy, ecology, physiology to interdisciplinary disciplines like molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, computational biology that will include active collaboration with other departments of the School of Natural Sciences and with other schools of the university.
The curriculum and pedagogy (as defined by the latest National Education Policy 2022 guidelines) to be followed has been developed to be at par with the other leading universities and research centres of the country, which will be instrumental in empowering the students with the competitive edge to pursue higher levels of education and challenges both in the country and abroad.