The unique feature of the department of Zoology under GCU is that it provides certificate course, diploma, UG, PG and PhD degree in Zoology under the same roof in real unitary sense. The department is well equipped and capable for the same. The department is proud of its quality faculties, state of the art laboratories and holistic learning environment for imparting quality education to the aspiring students. Use of ICT tools in teaching-learning, supported by a well-stocked Wi-Fi connected central library and Zoological Museum supplement the learning process to a great extent. Exchange of faculties, visit of well-known resource persons and tie-ups with reputed national-international institutes help in dissemination of knowledge and improve quality of education. Overall, the department has all the potential to be an epicentre of excellence in the field of biological science in the near future and will remain steadfast and dedicated for achieving the same.
To realise our vision, our mission will be:
➢ To play a catalytic role in dissemination of quality knowledge for learning, research and
➢ To ignite the flame of knowledge and empower the mind with skills through relentless research
and boundless innovation in the field of biological science.
➢ To promote exchange of innovative ideas through effective use of teaching-learning methods,
tools and techniques.
➢ To be an innovation and entrepreneurship related epicentre through holistic development with
explicit and implicit knowledge.
The departmental vision and mission entails the HOD to ensure quality education through learner centered teaching and research, at par with national and international standards. Effective use of teaching, learning methods, tools and techniques will be made available to promote, motivate and support the aspiring students for attaining their desired goals. In addition to quality in-house faculties, harnessing the expertise of well-known resource persons in the field of apex knowledge domain will be priority for all-round development of the students. Forging alliances with national and international institutions for dissemination of quality knowledge will be at the fore-front of the departmental agenda. In all, the HOD remains accountable to provide the students with the best possible learning environment for their overall growth as responsible citizens of the country.
The unique feature of the department of Zoology under GCU is that it provides certificate course, diploma, UG, PG and PhD degree in Zoology under the same roof in real unitary sense. The department is well equipped and capable for the same. The department is proud of its quality faculties, state of the art laboratories and holistic learning environment for imparting quality education to the aspiring students. Use of ICT tools in teaching-learning, supported by a well-stocked Wi-Fi connected central library and Zoological Museum supplement the learning process to a great extent. Exchange of faculties, visit of well-known resource persons and tie-ups with reputed national-international institutes help in dissemination of knowledge and improve quality of education. Overall, the department has all the potential to be an epicentre of excellence in the field of biological science in the near future and will remain steadfast and dedicated for achieving the same.