
Organizational Structure Governance & functions

The composition of the university’s Research and Development Cell (RDC) is meticulously structured in accordance with UGC guidelines (as depicted schematically below). 

The RDC structure features efficient all-round governance with a systematic mechanism that ensures functional autonomy, transparency, accountability, and adaptability, thereby strengthening interlinkages to foster a conducive research environment.

Dedicated leadership and an administrative structure for research, led by experienced researchers, are crucial for establishing effective and robust Research Governance within the University RDC.

The Research Governance framework will include a Research Advisory Council (RAC) / Research Counci (RC), headed by the Vice-Chancellor, serving as the apex body of the RDC.

The Director, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor fromamong the distinguished researchers of the university, will lead various committees to drive governance.

The RDC may form multiple committees to streamline its operations, with committee members nominated as ‘coordinator’ by the Director of RDC and approved by the RAC/RC.

Function of the RDC committee’s

Members representing the RDC