
The Research and Development Cell (RDC), GCU effectively organized a one-week intensive sensitization program

The Research and Development Cell (RDC), Girijananda Chowdhury University, Guwahati effectively organized a one-week intensive sensitization program from April 17th to April 24th, 2024, focusing on the theme “Fostering Research Environment and Maintaining Research Ethics in the University.”

This program, driven by the goal of raising awareness and inspiring faculty members, researchers, and scholars at the university to actively engage in research and development activities, aims to enhance the research landscape within the university.

The workshop extended its outreach activities covering diverse schools and departments of the university inclusive of Engineering & Technology, Pharmaceutical Sciences (Guwahati & Tezpur campus), Natural Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences, Health & Allied Sciences and School of management & Commerce. The participation in the workshop exceeded 100 faculty members from various schools and departments, showcasing a strong collective engagement with the initiative.

Throughout the duration of the program, participants were actively engaged in insightful discussions, interactive sessions, and collaborative activities, delving into the intricate dynamics of research strategy and ethical considerations, including the significance of intellectual property rights. Prof. (Dr.) Damiki Laloo, Director of RDC, and Mr. Dheeman Bhuyan, Coordinator of Intellectual Property Rights at GCU, both served as distinguished speakers during the workshop.

As the workshop came to a conclusion, participants left with a renewed dedication to fostering a research environment characterized by excellence, integrity, and ethical leadership, ready to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society.