Department of Business Administration, GCU had organised an Industrial Visit to Akshaya Patra Foundation, which is located in Amingoan, Guwahati – 781031, Assam on 28th Feb, 2024, Wednesday for MBA 4th Semester of 2022-24 batch. The visit was co-ordinated by the two Faculty Members of the respective department Dr. Abhinav Sarma and Mr. Faruk Ahmed along with 37 students of MBA final year. The session was incorporated under the guidance of operation head of the organisation Mr. Rajiv Yadav and the production head Mr. Sanjiv Kalita who had made the necessary arrangements for the students to visit the plant and have the overview of the production process in detailed manner. They have described in detail about the processing, packaging and distribution of the items produced by Akshaya Patra Kitchen which are delivered to different government schools for mid-day meal.
The session was followed by an inspirational and motivational session on “Self-Realisation and Purpose of Life” delivered by Prabhu Chaitanya Dasa. He has been mentoring students & youth for last 15 years. His expertise in Indian Vedic wisdom can be used in helping youth to focus their minds and achieve the ultimate goal of life. He has addressed the students by throwing light upon important prospects like Purpose of Life, Theory of Everything etc. He also narrated a story which was related to Swami Srila Prabhupada. In his session he also included the real fundamentals of life, a brief about the Akshaya Patra Organisation and how we can get the benefits of the organisation. The session was conducted for around one and half hour. After the session was completed, the students made a visit to the Hare Krishna Mandir which is within the premises of Akshaya Patra. Later on, a lunch break was arranged for the students.