The core syllabi for all branches of engineering have been prepared as a standard module, with specialisations included at the relevant level of study.
Syllabus of B.Tech. 1st year
Syllabus of B.Tech 3rd Semester (CE)
Syllabus of M.Tech
Syllabus of B.Tech.(CSE) 1st Semester
Syllabus of B.Tech. (CSE) 2nd Semester
Syllabus of B.Tech CSE 3rd Semester
Syllabus of M.Tech (All Semester)
Syllabus of M.Sc. – With Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence
1st Semester Syllabus (B.Tech)
2nd semester Syllabus (B.Tech)
3rd Semester Syllabus (B.Tech)
Syllabus of B.Tech ECE 1st Semester
Syllabus of B.Tech ECE 2nd Semester
Syllabus of B.Tech ECE 3rd Semester
Syllabus for 1st Semester (B.Tech)
Syllabus for M.Tech