Professor Ranjan Chakrabarti, is a former Vice-Chancellor of Vidyasagar University and formerly Professor and Head of the Department of history, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Professor Chakrabarti, formerly a Senior Fulbright Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University, USA (1994-95), is one of the earliest scholars in India to undertake researches in the history of crime, criminality, protest and environmental history of colonial India. In 1997, Professor Chakrabarti was awarded the prestigious Charles Wallace Fellowship at the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) to explore the social and cultural implications of power and the exercise of colonial power in such social or cultural spaces or sites such as the forest and its animals. He is a former member of the editorial board of Global Environment (Florence, Italy At different points of time in his career he either taught or lectured at Brown University, London University, Roskilde University (Denmark), Centre of South Asian Studies (SOAS, London), Australian National University in Canberra, Sydney University of Technology, West Virginia University, Morgantown (USA), Rachael Carson Center (Munich), the German Historical Institute (Paris and Washington D. C.), Academia Sinica (Taiwan) and other institutions in India and abroad. Professor Chakrabarti is an internationally acclaimed historian with interest in environmental history and related areas like history of science and technology.