
Dr. Mukta Ranjan Singha

Associate Professor & HOD


  • Ph.D., Computer Science & EngineeringGauhati University
  • Master’s Degree (MCA) , Computer ApplicationsDibrugarh University
  • Bachelor of Science in PhysicsGauhati University


  • M. R. Singha, B. Kalita, “Using Mobile Phone Network for Urban Traffic Management” International Journal of Computer Applications, (0975-8887), Volume 65-No.2, March 2013, Pp 12-17.
  • M. R. Singha, B. Kalita, “Estimation of city bus travelers using GSM network” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-5, April 2013
  • M. R. Singha, B. Kalita, “Uninterrupted Traffic Flow at Junctions with Special Reference to Guwahati City”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-9, February 2014.
  • M. R. Singha, B. Kalita, “ Mapping Mobile Phone Network onto Urban Traffic Network “, Proceeding of International Multi Conference of Computer Engineers and Scientists 2013“, Vol I, ISBN: 978-988-19251-8-3, 13-15 March 2013, Hongkong.
  • M. R. Singha, Utilizing Mobile Phone Users information for Urban Traffic planning – a study of Guwahati City, Proceedings of Two day Seminar on Recent Trends and future Prospects of Computer Science and Electronics, USTM , 21 & 22nd December 2015.