Alakesh Bharali, a dedicated academic and researcherembarked on his journey at Girijananda Chowdhury University in October 2021, assuming the role of Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics.With a B. Pharm degree from Dibrugarh University and an M. Pharm in Pharmaceutics with a Gold Medal from Assam Science and Technology University, his educational journey reflects excellence. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D from Dibrugarh University, Assam.
Alakesh’s teaching portfolio encompasses Biostatistics, Research Methodology, Pharmaceutical Engineering, and Industrial Pharmacy. Beyond his academic responsibilities, Alakesh’s insatiable curiosity led him to the realm of cutting-edge research. His research interests span across multiple areas, including nanotechnology, neuroscience, wound healing, anticancer therapies, and product development.
Published in esteemed national and international journals, Alakesh’s research prowess is evident through numerous research and review papers.Furthermore, Alakesh’s contributions extend to the realm of book chapters, where he has shared his expertise with leading publishers. Notably, his innovative ideas recently resulted in the granting of a German patent, a testament to the impact of his research on a global scale.
In his multifaceted journey, AlakeshBharali seamlessly integrates academia, research, and innovation, leaving an enduring mark in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.