Engineering Mechanics Laboratory
This laboratory is common for all the branches of 1styear students. It includes experiments such as verification of Polygon law of forces, Moment of inertia, Centre of gravity of various cut-sections etc. Some of the major equipments to be listed in the laboratory are Moment of force, Coefficient of friction, Parallel law of forces.
Theory of Machine Laboratory
The lab consists of models of various Mechanisms, Governors, Balancing machine, Coriolis apparatus, Gyroscope and Universal Vibration apparatus, Worm & worm wheel (single, double, triple) along with winch crab, screw jack.
Mechanics of Material Laboratory
A 1000 kN Universal Testing Machine has been installed under MODROBs funded by AICTE facilitating a large number of experiments and research. Several other material testing machines are also under the process of acquisition. Building materials used locally are also being tested in this lab.
Material Testing Laboratory
A Hardness testing machine, an Impact testing machine, a Torsion testing machine and a Fatigue testing machine are used for testing of mechanical properties of materials as a part of students curriculum as well as project and research purposes.
Machine Tools and Machining Laboratory
Metal cutting operations such as turning, facing, milling, tapering etc are performed on the machine tools such as lathe, milling, shaper, MIG and surface grinding. These operations are performed in the Central Workshop.
IC Engine Laboratory
A four-stroke, four cylinder petrol engine test rig and a four-stroke, four cylinder diesel engine test rig have been installed for performing various experiments. Apart from these, a computerized 4-cylinder, 4-stroke Diesel engine setup installed under MODROBs funded by AICTE facilitating a large number of experiments and research.
Metrology & Instrumentation Laboratory
Various measuring instruments like various Gauges, Planimeter, Stroboscope, Bevel protector, etc. give a proper and practical insight into the metrology sector. The gauges and measuring instruments help the students to gain practical knowledge which can be implemented in their project works.
CAD Laboratory
The Creo 5.0 software has been procured in order to enhance the drafting knowledge of students’ related to designing of various mechanical parts and equipments. AutoCAD software is also used in design laboratory.
Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory
A CNC-Lathe machine has been installed in the department under MODROBsfacilitating a large number of experiments and researchwork.
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
The fluid Mechanics Lab includes- Meta centric height, Verification of Bernauli’s theorem, Orifice meter, Notch and Vortex, Reynold’s No. apparatus.
Hydraulic Machine Laboratory
The Hydraulic Machine Laboratory includes various types of Turbines such as- Francis, Kaplan and Pelton wheel. The final year students can carry out their projects in this laboratory.
Heat Transfer Laboratory
The Heat Transfer Laboratory includes the determination of Thermal conductivity of various materials (Metal bar, Insulating powder, Liquid), Pin Fin apparatus, Natural & Force convection, Emissivity apparatus and Stefen-Boltzmann apparatus.
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Laboratory
Vapour Compression Refrigeration, Vapour Absorption Refrigeration, Ice making, Air-conditioning test rigs have been procured under AICTE schemes. A model of cooling tower developed by the students has also been added to this lab.
Other Laboratories
The First Year students also attend Physics, Chemistry, Humanities, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Laboratories along with Central workshop.