Date: 07-11-2022 to 12-11-2022
Duration: 6 days
Participating Organization: GIMT-Guwahati
No. of participants: 10
Course Demonstrators: Mr. Abhinandan Kalita and Mr. Tridib Roy
About the Event:
The programme’s main goal was to give participants in-depth expertise about fabricating PCBs and designing full PCBs using a simulation tool to test electronic circuits in software environments. EAGLE, a PCB design software, was employed. The programme’s coverage on the following topics included:
- Component Footprint Design,
- Integrated Library Design,
- PCB Design & Routing (Board Layout),
- Etching of PCB,
- Drilling and Component Pasting,
- Component Soldering,
- Testing and Verification,
- and DIY (own design) are all steps in the design process.
- students in all took part in the skill-building programme. The hands-on learning and the process of developing the electronic circuit layout, using etching methods, and soldering the components on their PCB were appreciated by the students. The task of designing the own circuits was given to the students. They proudly displayed how their design worked. On the last day, programme evaluations were gathered. The students were appreciative of the IDEA lab team’s initiative in setting up the sessions. The valedictory session marked the end of the programme. The skill-building programme was planned and carried out by Mr. Tridib Roy and Mr. Abhinandan Kalita (Tech Gurus), who ensured its success in raising students’ skill levels.