
FDP on Application of CAD in 3D Printing & 3D Scanning

Date: 20-09-2022 to 24-09-2022

Duration: 5Days

Participating Organization: GIMT-Guwahati

No. of participants: 11

Course Demonstrators: Mr Bhabaajit Baruah

About the Event:

The Faculty Development Progrramme was conducted for the Faculty Members and Laboratory Instructors of Girijananda Chowwdhury Institute of Management & Technologyy, Guwahati. The programme aimed to provide hands-on training on CAD Modelling, 3D Printing, and 3D Scanning. The programme was facilitated by Mr. Bhabajit Baruah, a Tech Guru , who introduced the participants to an online Deesign CAD Software. The participants utilized this software to model their designs, which couldd be fabricated using 3D Printing technology. D uring the session, Mr. Baruah extensively discu ssed various aspects of 3D Printing, incluuding its types, applications, the software used for processing CAD designs, the printing prrocess, and post-processing techniques. Followwing the lecture, the participants were given a practical demonstration of the two 3D Priinters available in the lab. They had the opport unity to fabricate their designs using these printerss. Additionally, Mr. Baruah provided a detailed demonstration of 3D Scanning and explained its appplications in Reverse Engineering, Inspection, and Dimensional Analysis. The participants were allowed to handle the 3D Scanner and practice scanning various products as well as the faces of their colleagues. As part of the programme, the participants were assigned small projects that theyy successfully completed within the given timeeframe. The five-day FDP concluded with the d istribution of Certificates in the closing ceremmony, where the attendees expressed their satisffaction with the programme and showed eaggerness to attend advanced courses at AICTE-ID EA Lab. Overall, the programme aimed to equip the Teachers with practical skills in CAD Moodelling, 3D Printing, and 3D Scanning. It proovided them with valuable   hands-on   experience    and  exposed   them   to   the   potential   appliccations of   these technologies in various fields.