
Student Induction Program: Familiarization of 3D Printer

Date: 14-09-2022

Duration: 1Day

Participating Organization: GIMT-Guwahati

No. of participants: 11

Course Demonstrators: Mr Bhabaajit Baruah

About the Event:

The event was held as part of Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Managementt & Technology’s Student Induction Programme (SIP), which is required of all new students enrolled in new programmes. The purpose was to expose new students to the tools and technologies required to work with 3D printing techno logy. Mr. Bhabajit Baruah, a Tech Guru, demonstrated the attendees an online Design CAD Software and explained its functions. He explaained 3D Printers and 3D Printing technologies to them. The day-long training concluded with a closing ceremony in which attendees acknowledged their appreciation for the programme and exp ressed interest in furthering their education at the AICTE-IDEA Lab. The programme provided students with valuable insights into the possible uses of these technologies in a number of industries. Overall, the programme aimed to give students the opportunity to work with CAD m odelling and 3D printing.