
Student Induction Program: Familiarization of 3D Printer

Date: 13-09-2022

Duration: 1Day

Participating Organization: GIMT-Guwahati

No. of participants: 12

Course Demonstrators: Mr Bhabaajit Baruah

About the Event:

The event was held as part of thhe Student Induction Programme (SIP), which is required of all new students enrolled in new proogrammes at Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Management & Technology in Guwahati. The goal was to introduce freshly enrolled students to the tools and technologies needed to work onn 3D printing technology. Mr. Bhabajit Baruaah, a Tech Guru, demonstrated an online Design CAD Software to the attendees, giving them ann overview of its functions. He acquainted them with 3D Printers and 3D Printing technologiees. The day-long workshop finished with a closingg ceremony in which attendees expressed their pleasure with the programme and expressed intereest in attending advanced courses at the AICTE-IDEA Lab. The programme gave students excellent insights into the potential applications of thhese technologies in a variety of sectors. Overall, the programme sought to provide students with experience in CAD modelling and 3D printing.