Date: 05-09-2022
Duration: 1Day
Participating Organization: Shrimanta Shankar Academy Junior College, Panbazar, Guwahati
No. of participants: 18
Course Demonstrators: Mr Bhabaajit Baruah, Mr. Abhinandan Kalita, Mr. Tridib Rooy
About the Event:
The programme was organized on the occasion of Teachers Day to showcase the facilities available in the AICTE-IDEA Lab. The objective was to familiarize the 10+2 students of Shrimanta Shankar Academy Junior College in Panbazar, Guwahati, with thhe resources and technologies present in the lab. The programme commenced with a welcome speech by Dr. L. P. Saikia, the Coordinator of the AICTE-IDEA Lab. Mr. Bhabajit Baruah, a Tech Guru, conducted a demonstration of an online Design CAD Software, providing the partiicipants with an understanding of its functionalitties. He also introduced them to 3D Printers, 3D Scanner, and various other tools and instruments available in the laboratory. Furthermore, Mr. Abhinandan Kalita and Mr. Tridib Roy, also Tech Gurus, introduced the participants to various techniques, software, and hardware components used in the design and fabrication of printted circuit boards (PCBs). The day-long program me concluded with the Certificate distributio n in the closing ceremony, during which the atttendees expressed their satisfaction with the programme and showed enthusiasm for attending advanced courses at the AICTE-IDEA Lab. Thhe event provided the students with valuable insigghts into the potential applications of these tecchnologies across various fields. Overall, the prog ramme successfully achieved its goal of showcasing the IDEA Lab’s resources to the students annd creating awareness about the possibilities andd opportunities in the field of technology and innovvation.