
GCU App-athon

GCU App-athon

Institute Industry Cell,

Girijananda Chowdhury University, Guwahati

Date of competition: 09-03-2024

PRIZE MONEY: Rs 6000/-

Problem Statement: (For GCU Students)

“GCU Knowledge Hub” willbe an App that provides questions & answersover a range of subjects and disciplines offered at Girijananda Chowdhury University (GCU). Whether a student is gearing up for entrance exams, honing their aptitude and reasoning skills, or seeking to reinforce their knowledge in specific academic courses, GCU Knowledge Hubshould be a one-stop solution for comprehensive quiz practice. With an extensive repository of quiz questions meticulously curated by subject matter experts, a student can explore their understanding of subjects spanning mathematics, science, literature, aptitude, and more.

General Guidelines for the Participant:

1. Any student currently studying at GCU can participate.

2. A student can participate alone or in a group. The group may contain a maximum of two students.

3. Students need to develop a mobile application for the problem statement defined and suggest a suitable solution.

4. Questions&Answers for each Subject will be made available in advance.

5. Students can prepare the prototype of the mobile application in advance, however, the final product has to be completed within the stipulated period on the competition day.

6. Students are advised to bring their laptops to avoid any problems related to configuration and settings.

7. Since the Questions-Answers for each Subject will provided in advance, the primary criterion for choosing the winner will be whether or not the App is fully operational (Complete functionalities), covers every Subject withall the questions and answers, and can also be updated with new Subjects in the future (Scalablility).

8. The following parameters will be considered for judging the solution provided by the students 

a. Complete functionalities 

b. Scalability 

c. User-friendliness 

d. Responsiveness 

e. Security 

f. Maintainability 

g. Documentation

9. The decision of the judge will be final.

For more details contact: Ms. Adarsh Pradhan, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, GCU, Assam , Phone no: 9864364161