Computer science is not a new term. It is with us since early 1980s. Slowly we are making transition from conventional way of handling machines to new digital era. However the core of computer science, i.e., programming, data structure and algorithm, computation theory, etc. will remain and will be introduced at a earlier stage of education. Then, what is going to change? Design and effective ways of how to manage the design of services will change and evolve so that the needs of society and industry are met. If someone wants to leverage the love for technology to make a difference in a good way, then computer science is an incredible career choice. In the coming decade, the following are few among many technologies are going to change the world:
Nano sensors and internet of nano things: Internet of things is one of the most interesting technologies now a days and it is going to dominate the future too. Everything starting from street lights, human body, agricultural land, every object on this earth will be connected to sensors and internet of things.
Augmented reality: It is the integration of digital data, live videos and user’s surroundings in real time. It helps to store image, video, etc in devices like computer, phone, camera, etc and add new information to it so that it displays a virtual result in real time.
Blockchain technology: It is one of the most recent revolutionary technology that will enable digital transactions to be distributed and not copied. It has the potential to change the manner in which transactions are made till now. If it fully comes into market, the transaction system of banks, government and market will change.
Artificial intelligence: In the coming decades as big data is getting much bigger, artificial intelligence is going to play a very vital role to gel well with big data. Artificial intelligence will match or even exceed human intelligence on tasks such as forecasting and prediction, complex decision making, speech recognition, pattern recognition, natural language processing, etc. Machine learning and deep learning have already brought a revolution and it is going to dominate the future too. In most of the fields like space, medicine, industry, etc. data science is in great demand. Lots of jobs opportunity will open up in this area.
Cyber security: Government, military, financial institutions, etc are responsible for storing and processing confidential digital data. Digital spying and cyber attacks constitute the greatest threat to national security surpassing terrorism. So the field of cyber security is very important. Various careers can be pursued in cyber security like information security analyst, intelligence analyst, security manager, etc to name a few.