A talk on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Smart Healthcare Solution: A sustainable Approach” is organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Girijananda Chowdhury University on 16th November, 2023. Eminent Prof. Dhruba Kumar Bhattacharyya, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tezpur University acted as the resource person in the talk. The program was started by the welcome address of Prof. Kandarpa Das, Vice Chancelor, Girijananda Chowdhury University. Prof. Dipankar Saha, registrar ofGirijananda Chowdhury University felicitates the resource person which was followed by the presentation of the resource person. The program was ended by the vote of thanks which was given by Prof. Minakshi Gogoi, HOD, department of Computer Science and Engineering, Girijananda Chowdhury University. The entire program was hosted by Ms. Shrabani Medhi and coordinated by Ms. Ritushree Dutta and Ms.Dharitri Sarkar, Assistant Professors, department of Computer Science and Engineering, Girijananda Chowdhury University.